A thousand and one plants, a walk





Discovering the plants of our scrublands or our cities through their smells, textures, little stories, anecdotes, legends, traditions or uses. We better remember the name and the means to identify a plant by knowing its properties.
In the Monts de Vaucluse, in the heart of the Mount Ventoux Regional Park, I will accompany you on a short walk on one of my itineraries according to the themes, the number of people and the seasons.
Please note that these are not hikes, the walks are intended for everyone who is able to walk a maximum of 2 km in two hours (families, groups, retirees, associations, works councils, leisure centers etc.).
Note: when it is a family public with children, an educational booklet as well as one or several games adapted to their age is set up.


Group of 1 – 15 (Monday – Saturday) = 150€
Group of 1 – 15 (Sunday and Bank Holiday) = 170€
Group of 16-30 (Monday – Saturday) = 200€
Group of 16 – 30 (Sunday and Bank Holiday) = 250€


Further information

Minimum age : 1

Accessible to people with reduced mobility : No

Difficulty level : Accessible to everyone



Best of Tours Ltd



Address : 520 Fonssargoule, 84210 Venasque, France

Also the meeting place :